Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dogo Argintino

Pit Bull
Dogo Argintino

Arguably the most physical dog breed in the world, is the  Dogo Argintino. Dogo Argintino’s descended from a breed named Cordoba, that originated in Argentina. Cordoba’s were bred for hunting and dog fighting. They were exported to several different countries to dog fight. Since 1931, it was crossed with Spanish Mastiff’s, Bulldog’s, Great Dane’s, Boxer’s, Irish Wolf Hound’s, Pointer’s, Pyrenean Mountain Dog’s, Doberman Pincher’s and old style Bull Terrier’s.  The result of this massive cross breeding experiment was the Dogo Argentino. These dogs resemble a Pit Bull on steroids.  Dogo’s can weigh  between eighty and one hundred pounds.  Dogo’s can grow up to twenty seven inches in height. They are temper mental working dogs, bred to hunt Bear and Puma. These dogs had to be aggressive, big and powerful to encounter large carnivores.  As a result they do not play well with children, other dogs and strangers.  Several countries and states ban this breed of dog.
  New York State passed a law banning this breed. A woman was killed by a Dogo Argentino that she adopted from a local pound. The investigation concluded that she tried to remove the dog from her bed and the dog killed her.
         It is recommended that potential Dogo Argentino owners buy a puppy and socialize it early. Having a relationship with this dog is very important when it becomes mature enough to hold its own with a puma.

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